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In the context of MLOps, tracking and monitoring metrics is critical for assessing the performance and progress of machine learning pipelines. The CraftAiSdk platform provides a comprehensive set of features for defining and recording metrics at each pipeline execution.

With measurement capabilities, you can efficiently track and retrieve the metrics associated with each execution in your machine learning pipelines. This enables you to valuable insights and make informed decisions about your models and deployments.

Pipeline Metrics

The record_metric_value function allows you to create or update a pipeline metric within a step code. This function allows you to store the name and corresponding value of a particular metric.

You do not need to declare anything outside of the step, you can just use record_metrics_value() in your step code. Remember, if you want to use the SDK in your step code, you don't need to specify your environment URL or token in the builder parameters.

After the execution is finished, you can find all your metric values in the web interface on the Execution page and on the Metrics tab.

Upload Metrics

Currently, pipeline metrics can only have one numeric value and one name for each execution metric. If multiple metrics are entered with identical names, only the last metric will be retained.


This function can only be used in the source code of the step running on the platform. When used outside a code step, it doesn't send metrics and displays a warning message.

CraftAiSdk.record_metric_value(name, value)


  • name (str) - The name of the metric to store.
  • value (float) - The value of the metric to store.


True if sent, False otherwise


Here is a very simple example of step code that sends only 2 different metrics.


Don't forget to import the craft-ai-sdk package in the step code and to list the library in your requirement.txt to install it on the step execution context.

from craft_ai_sdk import CraftAiSdk

def metricsStep () :

    sdk = CraftAiSdk()

    # Some code 

    sdk.record_metric_value("accuracy", 0.1409)
    sdk.record_metric_value("loss", 1/3)

    print ("Metrics are sent")

Get metrics

The get_metrics function retrieves a list of pipeline metrics. You can filter the metrics based on the name, pipeline name, deployment name, or execution ID. It's important to note that only one of the parameters (name, pipeline_name, deployment_name, execution_id) can be set at a time.

CraftAiSdk.get_metrics(name=None, pipeline_name=None, deployment_name=None, execution_id=None)


  • name (str, optional) - The name of the metric to retrieve.
  • pipeline_name (str, optional) - Filter metrics by pipeline. If not specified, all pipelines will be considered.
  • deployment_name (str, optional) - Filter metrics by deployment. If not specified, all deployments will be considered.
  • execution_id (str, optional) - Filter metrics by execution. If not specified, all executions will be considered.


The function returns a list of execution metrics as dictionaries. Each metric entry contains the following keys: name, value, created_at, execution_id, deployment_name, pipeline_name.

List Metrics

The Craft AI platform provides robust features for defining and recording list metrics during pipeline execution. This functionality allows you to store the name and corresponding list of values for a specific metric.

To create or update a list metric within a step code, you can utilize the record_list_metric_values() function. Afterwards, you can retrieve your metrics outside the step using the get_list_metrics() function. Additionally, you can access all your metric values in the web interface via the Metrics tab on the Execution page.

Similar to pipeline metrics, list metrics can only consist of a list of numbers (integer or float).

Upload list metrics

The record_list_metric_values() function enables you to add values to a metric list by specifying the name of the metric list and the corresponding values. There is no need to declare anything outside of the step; simply use record_list_metric_values() in your step code, as you would for pipeline metrics.

It's important to note that when using the record_list_metric_values() function, it can only be utilized within the source code of the step running on the platform. When uploading list metrics, you have the option to either specify a Python list directly or upload values individually, specifying the same metric name (which will automatically accumulate into a list).

Here is an example of step code that sends two different lists metrics:


This function can only be used in the source code of the step running on the platform. When used outside of a code step, it doesn't send metrics and displays a warning message.

CraftAiSdk.record_list_metric_values(name, values)


  • name (str) - Name of the metric list to add values.
  • values (list of float or float) - Values of the metric list to add.


This function returns nothing (None).


Here is a very simple example of step code that sends only 2 different lists metrics.


Don't forget to import the craft-ai-sdk package in the step code and to list the library in your requirement.txt to install it on the step execution context.

from craft_ai_sdk import CraftAiSdk
import math 

def metricsStep():
    sdk = CraftAiSdk()

    # Some code 

    # Just one list upload
    sdk.record_list_metric_values("accuracy_list", [0.89, 0.92, 0.95])

    # Tow list upload, the lists will be concatenated in loss_list list metrics 
    sdk.record_list_metric_values("loss_list", [1.4, 1.2])
    sdk.record_list_metric_values("loss_list", [1.1, 1.0])

    # Upload multiple values that will be concatenated into 1 metrics list *logx* with all values
    for i in range (1, 50) : 

        sdk.record_list_metric_values("logx", math.log(i))

    print("List metrics are sent")


A pipeline metrics and a list metrics can have the same name in the same execution. A metrics list is limited to a maximum of 50,000 values per execution.

Get list metrics

To retrieve a list of metric lists, you can use the get_list_metrics() function. This function allows you to filter the metric lists based on the name, pipeline name, deployment name, or execution ID.

It's important to note that only one of the parameters (name, pipeline_name, deployment_name, execution_id) can be set at a time.

CraftAiSdk.get_list_metrics(name=None, pipeline_name=None, deployment_name=None, execution_id=None)


  • name (str, optional) - Name of the metric list to retrieve.
  • pipeline_name (str, optional) - Filter metric lists by pipeline, defaults to all the pipelines.
  • deployment_name (str, optional) - Filter metric lists by deployment, defaults to all the deployments.
  • execution_id (str, optional) - Filter metric lists by execution, defaults to all the executions.


The function returns a list of execution metrics as dictionaries. Each metric entry contains the following keys: name, value, created_at, execution_id, deployment_name, pipeline_name.

Here is an example of how to use the get_list_metrics() function:

list_metrics = CraftAiSdk.get_list_metrics(name="accuracy_list", pipeline_name="my_pipeline")